Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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Just dig into the roast turkey. Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving

The following contents are from the manager of Foreign Trade Department:

That year, I met my first important customer - Canada. We had a good conversation at the exhibition and made an initial visit to the factory. Later, we started preliminary cooperation. In November 2012, the Canadian boss, EVA branch manager and a delegation of four people conducted a five-day formal factory audit on Ian; Foreign customers are strict and professional. They spent three full days in the workshop, asking for records one by one and putting forward suggestions for improvement from the aspects of incoming inspection of raw materials, storage of materials, formulation and auxiliary ratio, picking and taking materials, production process control, online quality control, exception handling, packaging and shipment. It took another 2 days to test whether EVA could be successfully mass produced in autoclave equipment. Five days to accompany customers to eat together, take notes and photos, do PPT, learn a lot and grow a lot; During this visit, the customer gave E&N great recognition and high praise; Although the company's team at that time was not the strongest, the factory environment was not the latest, and the system documents were not the most standardized, the spirit of E&N people who were pragmatic, realistic, meticulous, and conscientious in making products left a very deep impression on customers, which strengthened the confidence in cooperation with E&N, and signed an exclusive sales agreement in Canada and the United States at the end of this visit, which has been cooperating to this day.

The company is growing stronger and stronger, receiving more foreign customers, participating in more exhibitions, and starting direct cooperation with dealers in Russia, Italy, Turkey, the Middle East, Dubai, North Africa, India and other countries and regions. E&N products are gradually moving to all parts of the world; We have witnessed the improvement of E&N technology R&D capability and the expansion of products, from the primary strengthening film to the building grade outdoor high transparency, the first jade sand film, the special dimming film, the TPF brand, to the current MG brand, leading the safety laminated glass intermediate film industry to move forward continuously; It has witnessed the vigorous growth of E&N Company, from 3 production lines to 11 now, with an annual output value of 20 million to more than 100 million. The E&N brand and reputation are all praised in the domestic and international markets.


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