Daily project in-depth report: Haikou International Duty Free City

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"The crown of Kyushu auspicious clouds in the South China Sea": the world's largest duty-free city.

E&N launched in-depth reports on some suitable projects in the hope of more three-dimensional expression and presentation of the project. This article shares Haikou International Duty Free City.

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Haikou International Duty Free City is located on the east side of the new seaport on the west coast of Haikou City, close to the new seaport passenger transport hub, with a land area of 89000 square meters and a total construction area of 285000 square meters, and has become the largest duty free city in the world.

As a key project built by China Exemption Group, Haikou International Duty Free City Commercial Complex officially opened in 2022. Relying on the location advantage of the GTC transportation hub of the new harbor, and through the organic linkage with the surrounding tax-free commercial, high-end office, high-end hotels, talent apartments (residential) and other land types, Haikou International Duty-free City will become a large international tax-free complex and a new business card of world tourism retail that attracts domestic and foreign inbound passengers and consumers of the island.

▼Haikou International Duty Free City -Main entrance

▼Haikou International Duty Free City – Aerial view

On the facade, we have integrated the form of Haikou City Flower Triangle Plum into the glass curtain wall through artistic treatment, so that the entire facade looks crystal clear, as if the waves rushing towards the shore; The beautiful curve of the roof is also like an auspicious cloud rising and falling on the sea, giving the huge building a sense of flexibility and elegance. In order to achieve this unique shape of the dome, we worked with the engineering team in Paris to smoothly combine the glass curtain wall and the steel structure of the shell, ensuring the ecology and energy conservation while achieving clean and lightweight. Thanks to these scientific and technological means, tourists can enjoy a beautiful and international shopping environment inside the building. On the other hand, we have really achieved "tailoring" for Haikou, and successfully created a project that not only adapts to the local climate, but also combines with its marine culture.

▼View from southeast

▼Close up view of the exterior: the glass curtain wall and the steel structure of the shell are smoothly integrated

Question: In terms of engineering structure, building construction and design management, which aspects can reflect the advantages of EN?

Answer: First of all, a good project design needs a very strong design team. The steel structure and curtain wall are provided by us in advance and then implemented by domestic partners. The project management is very complex, and the coordination of the project, including design management and docking with various design units, is led and organized by us. After the completion of the preliminary design, our team also went to the domestic design institute for nearly half a year to ensure that the implementation and completion of the project are consistent with our design. The design of the curtain wall and the direct output of the 3D model of the steel structure are all done by ourselves. At the same time, we also require other teams to carry out work on the basis of the 3D model, including interior design, lighting and exhibition design, all of which should be advanced according to the unified thinking in our initial plan. This work is very troublesome and heavy. We have done a lot of work that should not be done by us, such as dealing with new situations at the construction site, etc., but in order to achieve our expected quality, we always insist on perfection at every stage. In the three and a half years since the start of the project, our team has followed the project to the end, so as to ensure that the final architectural results are consistent with our renderings - in fact, our live photos are more beautiful than renderings.

▼Aerial view of the main entrance: the large, curved roof looks like a peaceful cloud undulating on the sea

▼ Cultural innovative atrium space

Question: Time lapse photography records the rapid growth of Haikou International Duty Free City, a super building under the "China speed". What are the challenges encountered in the design and implementation of such a large-scale project in a special period? How is it solved? What are your unforgettable experiences?


Leonardo Mariani: Of course, the biggest challenge is that we must ensure high-quality results in an urgent time. For me, compared with architecture, I pay more attention to the structure and its continuous improvement and improvement process, which is also the most important part of this project. We have invested a lot of energy to optimize and refine the design, and completed part of the construction drawings. We sent a team to work together with our partners for more than two months. They will share their work progress with us in time through video. What impressed me most is the time when members of both sides communicated and worked closely and nervously at the same table. Such a working state is challenging for the whole team, and everyone's enthusiasm for design and the attitude of striving for perfection ultimately led us to successfully complete the cooperation and achieve satisfactory results.

Zhang Jingwen: From bidding to completion and later tracking, the project has basically spanned three and a half to four years. The core team structure of our tracking project is very stable. In addition, we have repeatedly mentioned that our company has three obvious advantages in the design of super-large projects, especially in the design management, and has been recognized by Party A, the owner and the cooperative units: first, the control of personnel, so that all brother teams can work together; The second is to control the time and submit the answers efficiently and truthfully according to the requirements of the time node; The third is to control the effect. What is the effect picture, and what is the final picture. How to adhere to our original intention as designers and how to put the effect requirements first is actually a lot of communication and negotiation work. Maybe ten or eight regular meetings can not solve the problem of where to put a light. This process may be painful, but it is also the most valuable part we think.

▼Haikou International Duty Free City – Aerial view

On the facade, we have integrated the form of Haikou City Flower Triangle Plum into the glass curtain wall through artistic treatment, so that the entire facade looks crystal clear, as if the waves rushing towards the shore; The beautiful curve of the roof is also like an auspicious cloud rising and falling on the sea, giving the huge building a sense of flexibility and elegance. In order to achieve this unique shape of the dome, we smoothly combine the glass curtain wall and the steel structure of the shell, ensuring the ecology and energy conservation while being clean and light. Thanks to these scientific and technological means, tourists can enjoy a beautiful and international shopping environment inside the building. On the other hand, we have really achieved "tailoring" for Haikou, and successfully created a project that not only adapts to the local climate, but also combines with its marine culture.

▼View from southeast 

▼Close up view of the exterior: the glass curtain wall and the steel structure of the shell are smoothly integrated 

▼Close-up view of the building, the curtain wall is made of self-cleaning and recyclable materials such as metal and glass

▼Terrace view at dusk

The curtain wall design of the building abstractly extracts the form of Haikou City's flower triangle plum. In addition to highlighting the city image, how will this unique glass exterior wall affect the operation of the building itself and the indoor environment?

EN: First of all, on the whole, the facade of the duty-free city is called "stacked facade". As the name implies, it has a stacked form of external hanging, rather than a traditional vertical curtain wall. This is to achieve the effect of seeing the waves beating on the coast from the architectural appearance. We have built a double-layer curtain wall system behind the glass of the laminated facade, and installed a layer of perforated plate under each layer, which accommodates the air outlet equipment, and its ventilation rate reaches more than 32%. In order to hide the electromechanical equipment visually as much as possible, we also try to minimize the perforation rate of the perforated plate. Looking closer, we can find that the building facade is an abstract triangular plum style texture. We have also done a lot of tests on this shape. On the one hand, it needs to do not deform when printed on the conical glass, on the other hand, it needs to ensure that each glass does not damage the triangular surface at the intersection position. In addition, on the fourth floor of the building, the pattern on the glass is gradually disappearing, because the height of the guardrail board on the terrace is about 1.2 meters, which may block the sight of children. The gradual design can leave as much vision as possible for tourists. So from the perspective of details, you will actually find that there are many human ingenuity in it.

As a large commercial complex facing the future, what kind of relationship does Haikou International Duty Free City expect to establish with the climate and context of Haikou? How is this reflected in the material?

EN: Several projects we have done recently are at the seaside. The marine climate has put forward high requirements for building material selection and mechanical and electrical design, because it is necessary to remove salt while dehumidifying. Another point is that Hainan does not produce any materials and there is no factory. All materials are processed from the mainland and transported to the site for assembly. The reason why such a large area of metal and glass is used is to ensure the sustainability and integrity of the project.

EN: The special climate in the coastal areas requires that the materials have a high self-cleaning property, which is easy to wipe and clean. Therefore, metal and glass, which have a high self-cleaning property and can be recycled, are the first choice for large public buildings.

▼The building has a stacked façade with a double curtain wall system behind the glass

Disclaimer: This article is reprinted on our website to provide readers with more news information. The contents involved do not constitute investment and consumption suggestions, but are for readers' reference only.


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